Children and adolescents

Children and young people can often travel more economically by bus. There are also family tickets available for those going out with the whole family. 

Subscriptions and discount cards

Children and young people can purchase many free travel subscriptions and discount cards at extra favorable rates.

Age discount

Children under 4 years of age travel for free. Children aged 4 to 11 are entitled to a 34% discount when traveling on balance on the bus. These discounts are valid all day.

What do you need to do for this?

You can travel with age discount if you use a personal OV-chipkaart or if you check in and out with your debit card (OVpay).

Your date of birth is on your personal OV-chipkaart. The card then automatically calculates your age discount when you check in and out. Apart from checking in and out, you do not have to do anything else.

If you travel with your debit card, you will have to activate it first. Read more about OVpay's age discount.